Tuesday, 19 October 2010

A few of my minatures

Over the years i've painted many minatures and haven't really ended up with any complete armies. So after buying the new edition of Warhammer and re-kindling my love for High Elves I set about painting the best army I could. I decided to follow the painting guide from the GW website and managed to turn out some good results.

Only three done so far!

Ok so High Elves are my army of choice for Warhammer Fantasty but for 40K i've settled for the obvious Space Marine army and after painting Blood Angels and Dark Angels I've settled for Ultrmarines as they have some fantastic  models in there line up. Ultramarines posts are to come but for now a few Orks that came with the boxed set.

 Over the next few weeks I will be converting and painting up my Ultramarines so we'll see what I can come up with.

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